Intikabur Rahman’s Poems

Forbidden Moonlight

In forbidden moonlight he closed his eyes.
Nature said moonlight came
As he wished it.
The secret relationship with moonlight 
Intended to nurse back
The pale eyes, the thin and wasted body.
He has no companion 
To chew betel nut and gossip
And he cannot bar moonlight. 
The sun is of no use to him
He must play with moonlight.

The Sunburnt Man

Yellow sunshine burnt his back
And he has become very lonely.
While moving through rubbish
He was scratched all over
But he never winced. 
Scorching sun could not make him unfurl an umbrella. 
He is himself the arrogance 
Of yellow sunshine. 
The man has now cried out.

Translated by Dr. Ananda Bormudoi

Intiqabur Rahman is an Assamese poet based in Dibrugarh, Assam. He has two collections of poems to his credit.

Original Assamese Poems.