Two Poems by Pronobi Gogoi

The Glasses

The glasses want to sit straight upon the nose
The curious glance peeps from behind the glasses
The glasses hide the hill of sorrows 
The dreamy town dances 
The glances behind the glasses
Spray rays of sunshine and sunset
Behind the Golden frame of the glasses
Unhappy escapist eyes 
The glasses know the life span of eyes
And where the mind resides
The glasses can see
Saline sorrows rolling down the eyes
Breaking the veneer of vanity
The glasses shield off eyes with ironic smiles
Pain cannot tire the eyes
Because of the glasses.
The Mirror

To look at the mirror is to read an autobiography 
Looking at the mirror you can do away with illusions 
And events and incidents of history 
The lonely mirror is self contained 
With a sky above
It teaches the uninformed 
And shows one a world of self love
One mirror after another attracts
They donot lie
Takes one into confidence and whispers 
Who are you looking at?
The mirror's silence is half understood 
There is a mirror in the city of dream 
The heart of the mirror is fragile 
It is not unhappy 
It has things to tell you
It cannot articulate
It wants to see something 
Beyond the charming world of dream and imagination.

Translated by Dr Ananda Bormudoi

Pronobi Gogoi is an Assamese poet based in Duliajan, Tinsukia. She has one collection of poems to her credit.

Click here for the original Assamese poems.

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