Three Poems by Satyajit Gogoi

The Trees and Creepers

The trees and creepers here
Are stretching their stone hands 
Towards the sky.
I have seen lifeless birds and animals 
In a glass cage.

I am walking down a slanting road
Meeting children on my path
And I have lost myself
In their hearts.
I have exchanged words with them
I have felt the warmth of the words. 
They have asked me
About vultures closing their flights
The frightening fact
Of the bees losing their power of reproduction 
And I have turned pale
Looking at their faces.
On the Burial of the Veel

Stone trees are growing 
On the burial of the veel.
I have not seen for a long time
The flight of the storks
And the flock of wild ducks.
Their voices have become fossils
Under the newly built stadium. 
The weeping of the watery lives
Have not yet been quietened
In the lap of the wind.
Climbing on the Rocks

Climbing on the rocks, an excavator 
Is flying a dark red flag. 

The greedy owners
Are immensely powerful. 

The day disintegrates
And hides itself 
Bending over the swamp.

The whispers of darkness 
Are striding in the wind.

[Translated by Ananda Bormudoi]

Satyajit Gogoi is a contemporary Assamese poet based in Duliajan. He has one collection of poems to his credit.

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